The south africa gallery

One of the finest trips I've been on!

2500Km in 6 days on some of the most fantasic roads I've ever travelled on a Bike

Click on images for a full photo

DSCN0816.JPG (1026788 bytes)

One of the finest roads and a picce for Ride Mag IMAG0020.JPG (504299 bytes)) The team L-R

Lee, Ian, Terry, Gerry & Owen

The mountains! DSCN0848.JPG (1017159 bytes) The book being handed on (See Bulgari skiing page DSCN0853.JPG (1033763 bytes)
capehope.JPG (618986 bytes) capepoint.JPG (770749 bytes) baboon.JPG (765580 bytes) penguins.JPG (558998 bytes)
Bettys bay.JPG (928666 bytes) group.JPG (1077962 bytes) ianworc.JPG (1094787 bytes) nuthouse.JPG (1087142 bytes)
mum.JPG (998319 bytes) sunrise.JPG (997246 bytes) tablemountain.JPG (963587 bytes) table2.JPG (672710 bytes)
toitkloofowen.JPG (979948 bytes) toitkloofride.JPG (1029410 bytes) toitkloofmcn.JPG (1072050 bytes) toitkloof1.JPG (1006293 bytes)


page last updated;25/02/2007